Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 34: Sunday

Little Charles in a Little City

Today we are going to Marks sisters for his nieces 8th birthday party. His boss is letting us borrow his car while he's out of town, so we are driving there (about 40 minutes away) with Charles in tow.

He was a perfect little angel at the party. He laid in the grass right next to us. Followed us around, explores the yard with no leash, frolicked, came running to us when we called him, laid under the table while we were eating, backed away when he was scolded for sniffing food on the children's table (even though he could have easily taken a big bite). He followed us in the house and jumped up on the couches (3 times!! The little bugger...) but he jumped off when we told him to.

The worst thing he did today was throwing up in the car on the way home. He was laying on a blanket in the back seat and I was sitting in the back with him (Mark and his boss were in the front seat, we picked him up from work) and I felt him wretching. I d over and he ha just finished. Poor pup pup. Motion sickness :(

He slept in his cage last night with no problems!

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