Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 35: Monday

Charlie has been sleeping in his cage every night, with the door closed and locked. He's been very good! And it's helped him get used to being in there; it's a lot easier to coax him in, especially when we are leaving. His trigger word is "crate". "Get in your crate", "Crate up". "Get in there" works as well lol. He is a little hesitant but he only needs to be told a few times.

Mark had a job interview this afternoon and he took The Prince for a long walk to tire him out. They went to the doggie run and Charles was running all over the place "like a real dog!" See:

He was home alone for about 4 hours with the camera on him. I think he got a bit antsy towards the end, but he slept practically the whole time! We realized this morning that the key to a happy (crated) puppy is a tired puppy. That way he will sleep, and a sleeping puppy is a happy puppy.

We went out to dinner with friends. so Charlie was in the crate again. I came home at 10 to hang out with him (and also to rinse my tie dyed items from Sunday-they turned out great, thanks for asking!) I took him for a walk around 11:30 and he peed and pooped. Hesagudboyyyyyy!!

He's really warming up to Mark. He comes nearly every time he's called (for both of us). He's slowly but surely learning "paw". He sits every time although it takes him a few seconds...

Oh! His meds came! We got preventative flea & tic meds (the kind where you place the oil between his shoulder blades) and de-worm medicine. For de-worming, you give them one pill and if you don't see any worms in a week, that's it, but if you still see them, you give another pill. So we'll see when next Monday rolls around what the status is.

I only have one photo for today. It's a screen shot of him on the iCam, laying there quiet as a lamb.

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