Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 21: Monday

He peed AND pooped outside this morning! We decided he should get a delicious dried liver treat when he goes to the bathroom outside.

We each picked him up today. He's getting a little more comfortable with it. He doesn't shake, but he's really stiff still. For example, when I picked him up tonight his body was stiff and his back was straight. He looked so silly!! His back legs were sticking straight out, parallel to the floor. Haha!

Took Charles for a walk in the early evening and he peed! Then we went to the dog run, where he met two rambunctious puppies. He was actually running and playing with them. It's the fire time we've seen him do that :)

We took our time getting home, made dinner, fed the pooch and watched a movie. Then we took him out again and he pooped outside!! That makes twice in one day for pooping and peeing outside-the first time this has happened. We are very happy about it :)

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