This morning, I walked Charlie and he peed!!! Hesagudboyyyyyy!! Then I fed him breakfast and left to go to work. Mark met me in the city tonight. He texted me after they got into Grand Central, "Charlie just got yelled at by a homeless person, he's a real New Yorker now!". He pooped on the sidewalk in front of a homeless lady and she started yelling at Mark about it. He even bought a bottle of water to rinse it off the sidewalk and she kept yelling so he gave her the half full water bottle and she kicked it at him as he walked away. LoL
My coworkers got to meet him :) The two comments we get the most are, "he's got a big head!" and "what IS he?" and we reply, "Yes, yes he does." and "we have absolutely no idea, but here are my guesses..." we usually say German Shepherd/ Corgi mix. That's what they suggested at the shelter. GS because of the coloring and big paws and corgi because of the size and shape.
We are going to get a doggie DNA test at some point. I'm genuinely interested in what he's made of. He has 6 toes on his back paws, a docked tail with a wisp of a white curl sticking up at the very end of it, tiny white patched of fur under each paw, a big beautiful white patch on his chest, big German Shepherd-like paws, stubby little legs, a pink tongue, a Mohawk on the back of his neck, a mostly black face with black eyes, a wide jaw, perfectly white teeth, and we've heard him howl... Also, he sheds nonstop, has a fluffy white undercoat (mostly near his hind quarters) and perfectly straight multi color, wiry fur. His coloring is beautiful, ranging from black, caramel, tan and white. He's a one of a kind beauty!
We took him to the Madison Sauare Park dog run for a half you and he made some friends! He's showing signs of being a little socialite. Mark and I met some cute doggies there as well (see below). We left the dog run and sat on a bench in the park. Mark attempted to cut a fresh mango. It was not a good idea. It was all warm and gushy and made quite the mess. Charlie jumped up with his two front paws onto the bench to investigate. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.
He was a good boy on the walk to Grand Central and for the whole train ride home. We sat in a three-seater and Charlie laid on the floor. Mark tried tapping the seat to get him up but I said it was a bad idea because he might start getting on our couch. Nip't it in the bud!
Mark fed him as soon as we got home. We've been mixing a little wet in with mostly dry and he gobbles it right up! He laid in the kitchen while we watched Battlestar. Mark is out walking him now. He called a little while ago to excitedly inform me that Charlie peed, for the second time today!!!! Hesagudboyyyyyy!
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