Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 51: Wednesday

Charlie has been so doggie-like! He's running and jumping and gallivanting all over! We've been taking him for walks off the leash in the trails next to the dog run. Mark was saying that yesterday, Charlie would be sniffing something and Mark would keep walking and he'd get about 20 feet ahead and Charlie would notice he was too far away so he'd gallop 20 feet ahead of mark and sniff around. And it happened a few times. How sweet.

There is an area behind our building with a ramp coming down that leads to the sidewalk and along one wall is concrete about 4 feet high and a fence that rises above that. Along the other side is our building with an alcove that leads to the basement door. It's very well lit and we usually go in that way after a walk. We've been taking him off the leash while we are up on the sidewalk and he runs to the ramp and wait for us then we say "okay" and he takes off down the ramp at full speed and runs to the door. I usually run straight an he sees me and turns around to gallop towards me. He looks so crazy! His body is all wiggly and his tongue hangs out and he gets a huge smile on his face!!

He's been sleeping with us every night but doesn't stay on the bed the whole time. There is a spot in front of Marks dresser where we put his beddy (which is actually an old hoodie of Marks which Little Charles here decided to chew when he escaped from his cage one day!) I'll put it out for him and he goes right to it and lays down. It's pretty stinking cute. We also put it in his cage for him when he's in there.

He escaped from the cage the other day (Saturday) while I was out. Upon my return I found him chillin' on the bed. That little rascal!!! Fortunately, he didn't chew anything.

I got to hang out with a beautiful black Newfoundland doggie named George :) see photo below.

We went on an adventure to Harriman State Park on Sunday. Charlie threw up in the car in the way :( We found a nice picnic spot and Charlie was sniffing all around but wasn't coming back when he was called so we put him on the leash while we ate. The spot was near the water and we walked around and met a beautiful 4 year old golden retriever who was having the best time fetching tennis balls from the water. Charles looked very interested but he wouldn't go for a swim. That's fine. He will under the right circumstances. We don't know if he's ever been swimming! His little legs probably get tired out too fast. Hehehe. But man, it would be pretty adorable to see him in action.

Photos: Georgie, handsome boys, family photo, little rascal

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