Mark is visiting his sister and nieces and nephew for the night, so I have Charles all to myself. I got home and he was on the other side of the gate... "the other side of the gate" consists of a 3.5'x13.5' hallway leading to the front door. If he stays on the side he's supposed to stay on, he's got the whole apartment! And I found evidence that he was laying on the couch! (he left his bone up there, not very sneaky if you ask me). But nothing was disturbed. We leave some paper out on the floor for him go do his business on if he needs to. If he goes, which is most of the time, he always does it on the paper.
The past few weeks he hasn't been walking on his leash very well. All that means is he's pulling more often than we'd like. He's still the most well-behaved dog I've walked. But for our liking, he's pulling a little too much. I think we are going to have to purchase another Gentle Leader. It really works wonders if used properly! I recommend it to dog owners all the time. I don't know if I wrote about this, but he chewed his first Gentle Leader. Hated it that much! I can just imaging him angrily chewing at it "I'll show them. Nobody teaches me how to walk on a leash, see."
We've given him this silly voice. It's inspired by 40's gangster movies with Jimmy Cagney. An example is here. It's Dave Chappelle impersonating the voice (Sorry about the dumb video to go with it. It's just a sound clip.)
Okay, enough talk. Onto the photos!!
Mark with Little Charles. What a big baby!
Cylon Radar in the alleyway after playing a nice game of fetch with the tenis ball. He's smiling and panting.
Mark, with his sisters newly adopted pup.
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